By Corbett Gaulden|2021-09-12T22:42:03+00:00September 12, 2021|Comments Off on Revelation Topography Part 1
About the Author: Corbett Gaulden
Born in Connecticut but raised in Louisiana, Corbett Gaulden grew up in a family that placed great importance on attending to the things of the Lord. He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, a master’s degree in business, and a PhD from Louisiana State University. A stint in the US Army taught him personal discipline that has paid valuable dividends throughout his life. While in college, Corbett spent time in Israel, an experience that stirred in him a deep yearning to know more of what the Bible was all about and how to relate to the people who lived it. Out of this, in turn, developed a life-long avocation. During graduate school, he responded to a parallel call in his life, which led to his becoming a licensed minister and serving for a time as a “fill-in” pastor. Having completed secular education in science and business, he turned those academic skills into the pursuit of fundamental knowledge of the faith that had been growing in him for years. Corbett has spent his “working years” as a chemist, a marketing professor, and a business college dean. Over the course of his professional career he has written more than 20 articles and has received four research awards. He has been a consultant for numerous public and private sector organizations, has been actively involved, including leadership, in several civic organizations, and has held the top leadership post in a number of academic organizations. In addition, Corbett has made presentations at numerous conferences, both national and international, mostly academic, but also some that were religious in nature. He has also been the keynote speaker for at least five national or international conferences, one of which was “religious” in nature, and the rest academic. These days Corbett resides in San Angelo, Texas, with his wife, Judy. They have two grown daughters and two grandchildren, all of whom currently reside in Texas.